Frequently Asked Questions:
How much does it cost to join Ditton Squash Club?
See the Home Page for full details. Single adult rate is £150 pa or £14 per month plus £5.00 in the meter = 45 mins playing time, to cover the lights.
Can I join on a monthly subscription basis?
Yes - individual membership on a subscription basis will be at £14 per month.
Who can I play?
There are currently 9 leagues, plus club nights on the first Thursday of each month and two tournaments each year (Spring and Autumn). We're a friendly bunch and welcome all new members. Most of us can be contacted via Player WhatsApp group. Members can also be reached directly via our court booking system.
I'm just returning to squash and haven't played for a long time (or not at all), what's the best way to get started?
All abilities are welcome at Ditton Squash and we can suggest appropriate members to get you back into the game.
Can I bring a guest?
Guests are welcome at Ditton Squash with the caveat that we are a small, not-for-profit club and therefore, if you wish to play a guest regularly, we would encourage them to become a member.
Do I need any special footwear?
All players must have clean trainers with non-marking souls, to protect the surface of the courts.
What are the opening/closing times?
Members will be issued with access codes to the courts. The courts are available for use 7 days a week, from 7.00am to 10.00pm.
Can I play racket ball or table tennis?
Members are welcome to play racket ball and table tennis.
Will I need to book a court?
Yes - members will be issued with access to our FastCourts booking system.
How do I book a court?
All members will be issued with a login to our on-line booking system.
How often are the Leagues updated?
There are 8 or 9 leagues which are updated every month, thanks to our League Secretary, Nick Berrie
Is there a squash coach available?
As a relatively small club, we haven't had enough demand to maintain a professional coach.
When are the tournaments?
We have a spring tournament and an autumn tournament. Spring includes Open, Handicap and Doubles events. The autumn tournament is just Handicap and Doubles. The tournament organiser will issue a notice via email before the events to get people involved. Members are not obliged to join the tournaments if they don't wish to.
When is Club Night?
Club Night is the first Thursday of every month. We play mix and match doubles on a first come, first served basis. A good opportunity to play some very social squash and get to know the other members.
How can I pay my subs to the Club?
The Treasurer (who can be reached via dittonsquash@gmail.com) will arrange this with new members. ​